Tuesday, February 22, 2011

he did it.

then i was like...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


so, while I was studying my blogspot came to my attention and how my inconsistency of updating his has now become a habit.
with the deactivation of my facebook, looks like i'll be on this more often. hmm, wont be making promises about how often this will update (cause we all know how that ends up)
a bunch of changes has happened in the past few months.
currently on my 30 min study break, so I cant be on for too long.
anyway a few beats to take a listen to

murs - break up (the oj song) (song hits hard)
big sean - my last
t.i. - like i do ft the dream
mac miller - donald trump
rusko - hold on
macklemore - love song


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